
Passing parameters

Parameter names for widgets are similar to the original parameters with only one change: they use underscore instead of hyphen. So for example if you need to set show-screen-name parameter for Twitter Follow Button, you should use code like this:

{% social_widget_render "twitter/follow_button.html" username="BillGates" show_screen_name=True %}

As a value for all parameters you can use a Python value like string, integer or Boolean, for example:

{% social_widget_render "facebook/likebox.html" app_id=12345678 href="" show_border=True %}

JavaScript initialization code

All widgets (except Instagram badge) require JavaScript code to be loaded and executed before widget is rendered. django-social-widgets tracks and loads this code only once for each social network, so for example if you have 3 facebook widgets on one page, the Facebook JavaScript code will be loaded only once (when first widget is being rendered). If you already have this JavaScript code on the page (for example you have already loaded Facebook JavaScript SDK to use it with your own scripts) you can tell the django-social-widgets not to load it again. To do this, add noscript=True parameter to the {% social_widget_render %} tag, for example:

{% social_widget_render 'facebook/likebox.html' noscript=True href='' %}

If you have multiple widgets on one page and you want to disable JavaScript loading for all of them you should add the noscript=True parameter to each call of {% social_widget_render %}.